Erin McCrum, UT Houston Medical School, Summer Intern 2008


Sherille Bradley, Texas State University, Summer Intern 2009

Xiaofeng Fu, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2010

Gianmarco Raddi, Rice University, Summer Intern 2010

Charles Chen, Duke University, Summer intern 2010

Yesha Zheng, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2011


Dustin Morado, Georgia Tech, Summer intern 2010, 2011

Sam Ruder, Rice University, Summer Intern 2012

Martin Chien, China Medical University, Taiwan, Summer intern 2012

Sang (Michael) Xie, Clements High School, Summer intern 2012

Hongyi Shi, Los Altos High School, Los Altos, CA, Summer intern 2012


Brian A. Tong, Bellaire High School, Summer intern 2010, 2011, 2012

Alan Pan, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, Summer intern 2012, 2013

Xiaomin Li, Visiting Student, 2013​​​

​Jonas Actor, University of Chicago, Summer intern 2014

Qiang Chen, Visiting Student, 2014

Jiagang Tu, Postdoctoral fellow, 2012-2015

Xiaowei Zhao, Postdoctoral fellow, 2010-2015

​Wei-Ting Lin,  Fu Jen Catholic University, Summer intern 2015

Madeline Farley, Postdoctoral fellow, 2015-2016

Wendy Wang, Research Assistant, 2015-2016

Dustin Morado, Research Assistant, 2014-2017

Xiangan Liu, Research Assistant Professor 2015-2017

David Burton, University of Montana, Summer Intern 2017

Jeffery Yang, Emory University, Summer Intern 2017

​Bo Hu, Postdoctoral fellow 2010-2016; Assistant Professor 2016-2017

Tatsuro Nishikino, Nagoya University, Visiting Student 2018

Benjamin Crair, Guilford High School, Summer Intern 2018, 2019

Zhuan Qin, Postdoctoral fellow 2015-2018

Meijing Li, Tshinghua University, Visiting Student 2018

Wenwei Li, Postdoctoral fellow, 2017-2019

​Shiwei Zhu, Postdoctoral fellow, 2016-2019

Pei Wang, Institute of Biophysics (Beijing), Visiting Student, 2019

Katherine Haney Gibson, University of Georgia, Visiting Student, 2019

Cedric Hu, University of Rochester, Summer Intern, 2019; Research Assistant, 2021-2022

Liuqi Zhu, Nantong University, Visiting Student, 2019

Kevin Zhao, UCLA, Summer Student, 2019

Jun He, ShanghaiTech, Visiting Student, 2018-2019

Xia Li, Nantong University, China, Visiting Professor, 2017-2019

Xinrui Huang, Beijing University, Visiting Professor, 2019-2020

Ze Li, Fudan University, Visiting Professor, 2018-2020

​Qin Gong, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Postdoctoral fellow, 2019-2020

Brittany Carrell, University of Vermont, Postdoctoral fellow, 2019-2021

Yunjie Chang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Postdoctoral fellow, 2017-2021

Meng Shao, Research Assistant, 2019-2021

Donghyun (Raphael) Park, Graduate Student, 2017-2022

Shuaiqi (Phil) Guo, Associate Research Scientist (2020-2023)

Liang Chen, Florida State University, Visiting Student (2022-2023)

Jing Cheng, Postdoctoral Fellow (2024)

Ana Afonso, Visiting Student, University of Porto, Portugal (2023-2024)

Randy Liu, High School Student, Amity High School, Woodbridge (2024)


Lab Members

Huaxin Yu

Postdoctoral Fellow (2022-Present)


Postdoctoral Fellow (2023-Present)

Shoichi Tachiyama

Postdoctoral Fellow (2020-Present)

PH.D. Biochemistry & Biophysics, University of Kansas

​Tachiyama S, Chan KL, Liu XL, Hathroubi S, Peterson B, Khan MF, Ottemann KM, Liu J, Roujeinikova A: The flagellar motor protein FliL forms a scaffold of circumferentially positioned rings required for stator activation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2022, 119 (4) e2118401119.

Liu X, Tachiyama S, Zhou X, Mathias RA, Bonny SQ, Khan MF, Xin V, Roujeinikova A, Liu J, and Ottemann KM. Bacterial flagella hijack type IV pili proteins to control motility. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2023

Jennifer Aronson

Lab Coordinator (2020-Present)

​Updated on May 25, 2024.

Rajeev Kumar

Postdoctoral Fellow (2024-Present)

Chunyan Wang, ph.d.

Associate Research Scientist (2021-Present)

Postdoctoral Fellow (2016-2021)

PH.D. Virology, Zhejiang University, China

Wang C, Tu J, Liu J, Molineux IJ:Structural Dynamics of Bacteriophage P22 Infection Initiation Revealed by Cryo-electron Tomography, Nature Microbiology, 2019.

​Gorman J, Wang C, Mason RD, Nazzari AF, Welles HC, Zhou T, Bess JW, Bylund T, Lee M, Tsybovsky Y, et al. Cryo-EM structures of prefusion SIV envelope trimer. Nat Struct Mol Biol 2022 29, 1080-1091.

Wangbiao (Seven) Guo

PostDoctoral Fellow (2021-Present)

Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

Carroll BL, Nishikino T, Guo W, Zhu S, Kojima S, Homma M, Liu J: The flagellar motor of Vibrio alginolyticus undergoes major structural remodeling during rotational switching. Elife. 2020 Sep 7;9:e61446.

Kurniyati K, Chang Y, Guo W, Liu J, Malkowski MG, Li C. Anti-σ28 Factor FlgM Regulates Flagellin Gene Expression and Flagellar Polarity of Treponema denticola. J Bacteriol. 2023 Feb 22;205(2):e0046322​​


Electron Tomography at Yale University

Lab Gallery

Jack BoTTing

Research Assistant II (2023-Present)


Botting JM, Tachiyama S, Giboson KH, Liu J, Starai VJ, Hoover TR: FlgV forms a flagellar motor ring that is required for optimal motility of Helicobacter pylori. PLoS One 2023 18(11):e0287514.

Jian YuE

Postdoctoral Fellow (2023-Present)

Hang Zhao

Visiting Scholar (2024-Present)

jun liu, ph.d.


Department of Microbial Pathogenesis

Microbial Sciences Institute

Yale School of Medicine

Ph.D. Physics, Institute of PhysicsChinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China (1995-1998)

Postdoctorial Fellow, Florida State University, Florida, USA (1998-2005)

​Staff Scientist, National Cancer InstituteNational Institutes of Health, USA (2005-2007)

Assistant Professor & Associate Professor, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, UTHealth (2007-2014)